ICM Landscapes
I stumbled into “ICM” - Intentional Camera Movement (did it have a name then?), by way of an accidental shutter release while taking a hand-held picture of my husband. The image captured his movement, extending a 1/60th second into a 4 second exposure, blur and all. It also wildly captured my imagination. I would’ve dismissed this “mistake” years before, instead, it marked the beginning of a long journey, stepping into the new world of digital photography. I felt a freedom to shoot and experiment that eluded me in the analog orbit..
The end results were always a delightful surprise, somewhat unpredictable, and hard to land. It took many attempts, shooting, flashes and dances, to find the balance between good composition, in-focus and blur. Having everything blurry is hard to look at. Some sharpness acts as an anchor in the real world, shedding light onto a more surreal, abstract backdrop. When the sweet spot in speed, f-stop and light is achieved, when the image warrants this kind of movement, it’s with feet in both real and imaginary worlds.